Sunday, June 12, 2005


Kind sir you wrote:

"Is there anything in which we can truly place our trust?" That, I think, is what animates virtually all human endeavors.

This reminds me of a discussion we had years ago. I seem to recall us coming to some kind of tacit understanding that it was fear that motivated the majority of human behaviour.

Looking at it today, what would you say are the fundemental motivators behind human behaviour? I would say firstly that it depends on you stage in life, as children tend to be motivated by different things compared to old age folk.

Certainly a child is seeking to trust someone, but by the time they get to a ripe old age they are very wary about trusting anyone, but perhaps they still want to?

What are the fundamental drivers of why we humans do things?

To lower our fear or to avoid fear?
Pleasure seeking?

Is there such a thing as "true altruism"? Or do we always gain some pleasure from our sacrifice?

Something else?

Your thoughts kind sir!

Current song: "Tubthumping" -- Chumbawumba

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