Wednesday, June 01, 2005

European Constitution

Yes the French voted "non" and perhaps the Dutch will do so today also. Which means Britain will probably delay any referendum, but as you say, an EU Constitution is most probably inevitable.

I believe in a United States of Europe, followed by a United States of the World - this would be a great idea. Plus if we all spoke the same language, and were the same colour that would help. Modern travel will hopefully ensure this, wiping out the groups created by natural selection enclaves. I do believe in tension between people however, this is how improvements in technology and the like happen.

It would be great to reduce reasons for people to hate eachother. If people hold different opinions (and I believe that they should - it is good for the survival of our species) then let them hold those differences for "good" reasons, rather than how people look or speak.

Current song: "Low" -- Coldplay

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