Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bad Examples Abound

I'll agree the 1 Corinthians 7:38 verse seems to suggest one would be better off not getting married. But it does not prohibit marriage; it merely positions not being married as a more attractive alternative, particularly for those who are dedicating their lives wholly to the Lord's work ... as a priest would do. (And it just occurs to me that the Catholic prohibition against priests being married might well come from this verse.) I must say, there are times I agree with Paul's assessment.

But ... would you agree that buried in that verse is the unspoken assumption that if unmarried, one is not going about fornicating as one desires? We know that Paul writes elsewhere that fornicating is a behavior of the old life; that is, the life before "dying unto Christ." So following Paul's advice more closely and not marrying does not give one freedom to sleep around like a three-balled tomcat.

Note: a phrase I picked up earlier in life: "hornier than a three-balled tomcat." A wonderful word picture suggesting something that is already horny -- a tomcat -- taken to the next level. Like "Spinal Tap's" amplifier that goes to 11. Another phrase from that same era: "Slicker than greased owl sh*t." I'm not sure owl feces are slick to begin with or not. Or why anyone would go about greasing them further. But I always found the phrase funny.

* * *
You and I share a like mind when it comes to the poor examples demonstrated by those who purport to represent Jesus in official posts. Your local preacher driving a Rolls Royce is a good example ... even if he could afford it through some inheritance, it would show poor judgment to drive such an ostentatious vehicle.

I was talking to Lisa last night about the music director of our church, who I believe has taken his role too much to heart and is now building an edifice to his own glory. Since this church has moved into its new, much larger facility, this music director has taken to launching a project to constitute a massive orchestra. Lisa was a part of it, but the rehearsals were getting to be more of a burden than the resulting one hour performance was worth. The Christmas Eve "service" was really more of a concert ... and front-and-center to the whole thing was the music director. He spends tens of thousands of dollars on electronics -- video and audio editing equipment and the like.

I am now convinced -- 100% convinced -- that the model of Christian behavior that Jesus favors is strong but quiet humility and graciousness. Loud and arrogant Christians are betraying Jesus. People who wear their Christianity like a badge of honor on their sleeve are betraying Jesus. I honestly believe Jesus would rather us represent him by quiet acts of humility, kindness, decency, charity and graciousness without once uttering the word "Christian" than to carry a big sign saying "I'm a Christian!" and behaving like a complete fool.

I have long since stopped saying "I'm a Christian." I'm in absolutely no position to claim that honor given the soiled state of my behavior and my heart. That does not mean I've stopped trusting Jesus; it just means I've stopped carrying the banner. I betray the Lord on too frequent a basis to make too close a connection in other people's eyes between me and Him.

And while we're on the subject, there is no more harmful Christian slogan than, "I'm not perfect, just forgiven." The arrogance underlying that claim is staggering.

Can you tell this topic animates my emotions?

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