Sunday, December 10, 2006

Moving In

I must say, I am very happy, though not just a little astonished, that K's mother would permit her to move in with you for the majority of the week. Given the scene at the get-together you described, I would have thought she would have vetoed the idea out of spite, if nothing else. In any event, I'm happy to hear of this new development.

Have you ever considered training to be a counselor, or family mediator? You seem to have a real gift for maintaining a detached and calm view of things.

I am in Columbus, Ohio this week. We are teaching two one-day SOA workshops. I am deeply skeptical of the value of doing this. But I am playing the good soldier.

I am, however, very sleepy -- I did not get much sleep last night and I am stuffed with Chinese food. :-)

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