Monday, December 25, 2006

7:06am US Mountain Time

Merry Christmas! I've been up for an hour and a half. Our phone range at 5:20am or so, and we thought maybe it was bad news of some sort. But nobody was on the other side of the connection, and I suspect it was just a case of someone mis-dialing a digit.

We went to the 9:00pm Christmas Eve service last night. My lovely bride playing flute in the orchestra, me sitting in the audience. It was a very nice performance. Our pastor is someone I tend to admire ... he refuses to hide Jesus behind comfortable trappings. Last night could have been about familiar music and little more, but he made sure the primary message of Christianity -- trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior and a commitment to Him first and foremost in one's life -- was clear. Christmas Eve services traditionally have the highest attendance, and no doubt the seats were full of people for whom that message was a bit uncomfortable. But the pastor carried it off with grace.

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas day with your lovely daughter.

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