Saturday, December 02, 2006


What has science fundamentally shown us about the Universe?

1. It seems to run on laws, ie. what happens over here, happens over there
2. When you examine it real close under a super-microscope it gets fuzzy and doesn't let you look at it

A whole bunch of other stuff too. But what do those two things tell us? Well, to me it's increasingly clear, from 1) the place has an architect and from 2) we're a simul running in some "ram" somewhere, the Matrix film makers got that bit "right" at least.

So maybe we'll all have our own Universe one day? Who knows - it's possible but unlikely. Why unlikely? Because the architect of the one we are in probably doesn't want the hassle :-)


I hope that you are healing gum wise, have you decided what to do yet? Sometimes the "do nothing" option is the best.


My daughter has another sleep over (slumber party?) this evening with three friends so I am relegated to the small room. Ah, the power of laptops.

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