Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Moving House

How would that work? If K said she wanted to live with you, her mother would have ultimate say in whether that took place, right? I can't imagine the wishes of a minor would trump the wishes -- skewed as they may be -- of the lawfully appointed parental guardian. Do you believe her mother would allow such a thing?

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"Star Fruit?" Wikipedia, as usual, has the answers. I've seen them before ... I just didn't know what they were. What I found was this:
Individuals with kidney trouble should avoid consuming the fruit, due to the presence of oxalic acid. Juice made from carambola can be even more dangerous due to its concentration of the acid.
I scoffed at the notion of Wikipedia early. I was a fool.

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Pressure cookers are more than steamers. They have a locking mechanism that prevents the lid from coming off when pressure builds inside. A regulating mechanism prevents the pressure from getting too high. The typical pressure -- used in 99% of the recipes -- is 15psi.

Tonight I had catfish, sprinkled with "Cajun Seasoning," cooked for 6 minutes sharp. The technique used to suspend cooking, and to immediately release the pressure and steam, is to run the whole pot under cold water. That allows the lid to be removed in a few seconds, as opposed to allowing the pressure to come off naturally, which might take 10 minutes or more. During that time, of course, the food inside continues to cook. Fine for soups and stews, not fine for fish.

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Yesterday I took off from work and spent the day motoring around Arizona with a fellow member of an online forum I'm a member of. Marc is from Minneapolis; he drove his mother-in-law down to Arizona so she could winter here. He trailered his Yamaha FJR1300 so he could ride here and ride it back. Here's my writeup:

His tag name is "Grampa," my tag name is "TucsdonDon".

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