Friday, November 24, 2006

The Love Remixes

Why do you suppose this one continues on?

Well fundamentally I think we have some strikingly similar thoughts, albeit with very different approaches, Dawn used to think we were the same person if you recall, just in different places :-)

So there is that, which underlies a number of surface reasons:

1. This is a two person blog with equal ownership. It doesn't have one owner with others making comments. We all know the best way to get a customer to do something we want them to do is to get a customer executive to sponsor the project. Skin in the game, and all that.

Further benefit being that if someone is low on energy in the blog then the other, who might be in a high-on-energy phase, can push it forwards. Great partnerships, but out of us, who would be Lennon and who McCartney? :-)

PS. Listening to George Martin's new Beatles "Love" remixes is interesting. The end of "Strawberry Fields" is insane, including snippets of Penny Lane, Piggies, Hello Goodbye ...

2. We're good at listening to one anothers point of view even if we disagree with it. We'll still take the time to examine it.

3. Who else am I going to talk to?

Wales was interesting. As soon as one crosses the Severn Bridge, one hits miserable rain. Apparently it's often like that.

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