Wednesday, November 08, 2006

First Move

Look for Iran to make an aggressive move in the region, perhaps escalating their involvement in Iraq or -- not out of the question -- an overt military action into Iraq. This will test two things: 1) what remains of President Bush's political capital, and 2) the resolve of the new Democrat Congress.

Bush has no capital left, just as Blair has little to none. The Democrats in Congress will make noise, but take no action. Iran will have a greater hand in the region.

In the meantime, other Muslim countries in the region, fearful of Iran having dominance, will rush for nuclear capabilities.

Israel is now all alone. Someone will make a move on them. Israel will respond, ultimately with nuclear weapons.

America is the last thing between Islamists and their desire for domination. America blinked. America blinked because a majority of this country desired -- deeply -- to go back to sleep; to pull the covers up over their heads and imagine it was the 1990's again. What will wake them out of their slumber will not be a few planes into buildings, but something far, far more devastating.

Pray for your daughter. She will need it.

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