Monday, May 30, 2005

"Well, at least I was right"

A highly enjoyable (for me) read at:

1. It has a connection to the current Star Wars theme of the Dark Side being the quick and easy way when the writer says:

"I chose speed and power over control, and I usually lost. So like pool, when it comes to defusing smart people who are defending bad ideas, you have to find ways to slow things down."

2. He refers indirectly to C.S. Lewis when saying:

"“My plan A is the best because no one has explained how it will fail” know that there is a logical gap in this argument. Simply because no one has described how it will fail, doesn’t necessarily make it the best plan. It’s possible than plans B, C, D and E all have the same quality ..."

3. He believes in "lead, follow, or get out of the way" (essay 42)

4. He left Microsoft after 10 years (essay 41) -- so cannot be all bad? :-)

So, I of course, selected to like his articles, and would be interested in your opinion. Props to Scott Berkun, keep going.

I wonder if, when we were kids, you and I were smarter than our parents? And so (by Scott's argument) turned out in such a fashion as to support "bad" ideas? Would this be consistent with God saying "do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil", thus bringing upon ourselves tsunamis and the like?

Genesis 2 (KJV)

17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."

It's a holiday today!

Current song: "Everybody's Talking At Me" -- Harry Nilsson

PS. Looking forward to "Cinderella Man" - thanks for the tip.

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