Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Force is strong with you

You ask:

Do you think there is an existence, a reality, that is beyond what can be explained by physical science?

Yes. I would call it an "existence" yes, but it might not be "a reality". The reality of something should be in this Universe. Anything outside of our Universe could be defined to be "unreal" could it not? After all, it cannot be measured. "Unreal" but not "imaginary" perhaps? I'm not sure where the boundary lies between those two words.

You wrote:

Either Jesus is "the way and the truth and the light" or he isn't.

Maybe. But one needs first to define "the way" and "the truth". If those terms are relative themselves then where does that lead us? With our limited brains your statement might be how it seems. But our limited brains believe lots of things.

At the end of the day, for me, as my life is all too finite I may as well believe in something and I choose to believe in Jesus. Had I an infinite amount of time I might look into the matter far more closely. Perhaps when individual humans live for millions of years they will choose to do so?


Many fall victim to the loose, easy "spirituality" that is eschewed by the likes of Oprah Winfrey.

Lucas warns us about this in Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back

LUKE "Is the dark side stronger?
YODA "No, no. Easier, quicker, more seductive."

You may laugh, but 390,000 people, when asked during the last UK (2001) census, put "Jedi" in the religion box. It's "true" see

Current song: "Somebody" -- Depeche Mode

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