Friday, May 27, 2005

Reality Beyond Reality?

Your post brings up a fundamental question -- is there a reality beyond the physical reality of our universe? I'm not talking about parallel universes or anything of the sort ... I'm referring to the super-natural. Do you think there is an existence, a reality, that is beyond what can be explained by physical science?
  • If the answer is "Yes," then perhaps we can muse on whether our soul exists in this different realm.
  • If the answer is "No," then there's a fundamental problem we must face squarely. If we deny the supernatural, we deny God. By definition God is not of the natural, for he created the natural. If God were comprised of the natural, he could not have existed prior to himself in order to create himself.

For what it's worth, I believe our being (our "soul") is beyond the natural. It does not consist of photons, or energy waves, or quarks or dark matter, or whatever. It is something other than that; something God created, but something not accessbile to our measurement or understanding.

* * *

As for "spirituality," the danger lurks for people who are truly seeking God, but fall prey to the seduction of these other forms of "spirituality." I am intentionally setting aside the question of predestination of "the elect" and assuming for the moment that someone who has a stirring in their heart to seek that "something" beyond themselves is being called by God. Those who are so moved face a virtual cafeteria of options. Many fall victim to the loose, easy "spirituality" that is eschewed by the likes of Oprah Winfrey.

Again, I fall back to what I see is this inescapable logic -- if Christianity is true, then all other religions and ideas of spirituality are false; if any other religion is true, then Christianity is false. They are mutually exclusive. Either Jesus is "the way and the truth and the light" or he isn't.

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