Monday, May 16, 2005


Interesting article on the headline at:

Will humans be around for another 500 million years?

Is it possible for Humans to "evolve" (ok let's say "change" - become more, or become less complicated for example) in some way due to spontaneous mutation and natural selection?

Given that we were created by God as "human" should we be changing in this fashion?


From your last post when you mention that we had been pulled from the mire ... I got to thinking that "the mire" is exactly how it should be. Everything that happens is part of God's perfect plan.

Including the mire :-) And our plucking from it.

As Christians are we not supposed to go around saying that everything is marvellous? If we say that something is less that marvellous are we not implying that we wish things were different? And if we want God's perfect plan to be different in some way then what does that say about us? Or indeed God's perfect plan?

Eve and Adam sinning was part of God's perfect plan, was it not? If it wasn't then the plan was (is) not perfect. If the original sin was part of God's perfect plan then is not all sin part of God's perfect plan? (as all sin is inherited from the original one). Is this argument logically constructed? Or am I doing a Spock again?

Current song: Revolution - The Beatles

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