Sunday, May 22, 2005

Sympathy for the devil?

Apologies for the delay my brother, I have been en vacance à Paris for the last few days. Paris is a beautiful city and I can recommend the open bus tour.

I append this from a window manager called "icewm" running on a Linux distribution named "Gentoo", and it is singularly the fastest desktop that I have ever used. I can boot and do work within 45 seconds compared to the 400+ seconds on my WinXP rig on the same hardware. But, I can do less work in the long run (no iTunes or some other key apps), and how often do I boot up these days anyway? Still, Linux improves.

I checked out the site, I will be very interested indeed in what you discover about Mr. Sprouls interpretation of the Christian Doctrine. It's a tricky one this "everything is going according to God's plan" vs. "humans do not act according to God's will". Logically one should suppose that our human will is not aligned with God's perfect plan, and that that is allowed, even with a perfect plan. Had the Sproul works at that site been free of charge I would have downloaded them myself. I am sure that he is being exploited by middle men :-)

Having seen Star Wars 3 today, George Lucas (in the guise of a small green Master Jedi called Yoda) said:

"Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."

This I found quite interesting. I guess Lucas was talking about the fear of loss of the things we enjoy in life? But in our lives, what do we really fear to lose? Perhaps we fear to lose our very "existence" and have a very hard time in letting go? Therefore we invent for ourselves an afterlife?

If the Bible is not "true" is that why the Bible is the way it is and so popular ?

The film was kind of tragic the way the story portrayed the decline into evil of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader as a result of his desire to hang onto those he loved dear. Good and Evil, are they absolute or relative terms?

I don't know, but I for one actively want an afterlife.

And now that you're living in such a hot place you're attracted to cold web sites I see!

Current song: "Bo Weevil Song" - Eddie Cochran

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