Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Free Willy

Yes this blog editor is not the best, especially for block quotes as you mentioned, but I haven't been into the html to fix them as you can tell by my poorly formatted responses!

A “grass” in this context is someone who informs the authorities about the criminal activities of an individual. “I was grassed up to the police by him” is a common term in the UK criminal fraternity, allegedly. The East End of London shares a special affinity with the use of the word grass in this fashion. I was at a wedding on Sunday where 50% of the guests came from the East End of London so I think something rubbed off on me perhaps?

You said:
How we should treat those pawns in the Eternal Plan that unfolded in Jerusalem I'm at a loss to really say

That leads me to a few questions, firstly was Judas acting out of his Free Will or was he really a pawn?

The second thing that occurred to me was when humans acted in a way to fulfil a prophecy were they acting out of their own Free Will? Or were they forced to act in a certain way? For example:
These things happened so that the scripture would be fulfilled: “Not one of his bones will be broken,” and, as another scripture says, “They will look on the one they have pierced.”

John 19:36-37 (NIV)

Was there any other way in which the men who did this could have acted? (I assume not otherwise divine scripture would not have been fulfilled) And if not, did they really have Free Will at this time?

I have my daughter with me for the second night in a row which is an unexpected bonus that I am very thankful to The Lord for :-)

Current Song: "Stop crying your heart out" -- Oasis

PS. I have my entire CD collection ripped to mp3, at 160 kbps variable bit rate. I don't have that many songs, I have 21 days worth of continuous play, about 6500 songs which occupy 35gb or so, which is less that a biggish iPod. I use iTunes. Steve Jobs really does understand "desirability" from a physical possessions standpoint - but I think that Google are the ones to watch for new cool software.

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