Sunday, March 13, 2005

A belief versus a fact

Thanks for expounding on your cornerstone 1, where you said:

It can't be "proven" in the normal sense of the word. Rather, we as humans come to a point where we must choose to believe this.

I have to agree with you. But first can we agree on what "belief" means?

I'll have a stab at it:

If you understand that a phenomenon has a 50% chance or more of being a fact then you can be said to believe in that phenomemon.

Any good?

For instance, we cannot prove that God exists 100% for sure, but we have a greater than 50% understanding that He does exist, so we are said to believe in Him. If we only believed 20% then that would leave us with an 80% disbelief so on balance we would be unbelievers. Or is belief a binary thing, you either 100% believe in something or 0% (don't believe in it)?

Facts, like 1 + 1 = 2 (relative to the axioms of mathematics ) are 100% for sure. In saying that I have of course assumed God doesn't change the "fact" that 1+1=2 relative to the axioms of mathematics!

There I go again, thinking that I live in a Universe that has an omnipotent creator always leads me back to the logical conclusion that there really is only one Absolute Truth: that omnipotent creator Himself. But then again He could change logic, and thus my conclusion. My brain hurts.

Current song: "Numbers" -- Kraftwerk

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