Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Shaggs

You wrote:
Any other artistes that I should listen to?
I say Yes!

Most emphatically, yes!

The story is the father of these three young ladies scraped together enough money back in the late 1960's to get them into a recording studio. The album went nowhere (and you'll know why when you listen to a cut), but years later they were "rediscovered" by a disc jockey who wanted to have a little fun. Over the years they've apparently reconciled themselves to the slight mockery made of their music and now take it somewhat in stride.

You can read their story here:

To listen to their most famous cut -- "My Pal Foot-Foot" -- you can go here:

Click on the crude drawing at the top of the page to listen to the song. But brace yourself. It is ... oh, how to put this? ... quaintly bad.

Their official website is:

* * *
When I was in college all these years ago, there was a contest sponsored by the student newspaper to submit an entry for the "worst album of all time." This album won that competition, though I did not submit it.

Note: My friend and I submitted a Gordon Jenkins album called, if I remember, "Manhattan Tower." Gordon Jenkins is famous for arranging many of Frank Sinatra's hits. He was a very gifted musician. Unfortunately, that particular album -- Manhattan Tower -- was all syrupy and quite silly. Good music; poor theme.

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