Saturday, July 29, 2006

Death of a Salesman

You wrote:

"If the customer says "X" and I don't understand what they mean by "X," then pretty much everything else they say will be lost."

I got to wondering why this is the case. My thoughts are along these lines:

Assumption: You Bagwell are a bunch of cells that evolved through natural selection.

Following on from that, perhaps in your ancestry, a looooong time ago, one of your ascendents (sic) had a mutated gene (or set of genes) that caused him or her to behave very carefully .. to understand every single aspect of an occurrence before moving on. This gave your line a slight advantage because you remained in safe places and were less exposed to danger, through understanding.

Fast forward to this crazy world we live in, where really there is no danger and food is plentiful. Perhaps you don't do well in those positions where a thick skin and an ability to not notice detail (brushing past valid objections in a sales environment is rewarded) is because you have a "think skin" as opposed to a "thick skin" ?

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