Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Sabbath

Any idea why the Christian faith adopted Sunday as the day of rest and worship? Given that Christianity has a direct lineage to Judiasm, and for the Jew the 7th day -- Saturday -- is the Holy day of obligation. Here in the United States there are Christian sects that strongly insist upon Saturday still being the Sabbath, yet most of Christiandom views Sunday. (And Muslims, Friday.)

My guess is because Jesus rose again on Sunday, the first day of the Jewish week. We know that he was crucified on Friday, and there was a sense of urgency to have the three crucified that day dead and down from the crosses before sundown (hence the breaking of the legs of the two criminals who were not yet dead). Saturday would have been the Jewish sabbath in which Jesus lay in the tomb. Mary Magdalene was on her way to the tomb on that Sunday morning to finish the job of preparing the body for entombment -- a job apparently not done by sundown Friday and therefore forbidden to be done on the Sabbath itself.

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I liked the Star Trek episode about the Horta. Spock doing the Vulcan mind-meld with the creature, and Dr. McCoy patching the wound with a cement trowel and some silicone patch.

Did you hear that the man who played Mr. Scott died just recently? Apparently he was an actor rather adept at mimicking accents. He was given the choice which he wished to use for the role. He chose his Scottish accent. I guess they named the character after that.

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