Friday, July 15, 2005

Message in a bottle

Yes, there are many examples of errors that are explained away in similar fashion, I would hold to the fact that if this causes anyone a problem (typically because they have been using Occam's razor liberally on such arguments!) then fear not, you can still believe in the fundamental message without needing your Bible to be inerrant.

Someone asked me why God would use such an inefficient and error prone method of delivering His word. They thought that if God had encoded the message in our genome then there would be much less room for misinterpretation.

Note: messages encoded in the genome could still be ignored, eg. we still would have "free will", whatever that is.

Then I got to thinking that maybe He did just that. In the genome that are sequences filled with "genetic garbage", no-one yet knows what these are for, and as a consequence are ignoring them. Perhaps the Bible *is* encoded there? It would be an optimal solution after all.

Furthermore, wouldn't it be fun if the genetic word of God, assuming it is there, acually caused us to behave in a certain way? Perhaps it gives rise to our conscience? I think C.S. Lewis referred to it as "we all have Jesus inside" or something like that?

We must keep an open mind, there is lots to learn I think.

PS. Must dig out by old gene sequencer !

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