Saturday, July 30, 2005

My God is better than your God

Some questions and comments to your last four appends – thanks for keeping this blog going ..

You wrote on atheists:

“Their agenda is -- I suspect, but not in a vacuum -- to destroy organized religion as it's presently known. They have largely succeeded in their quest, though not completely ... yet.”

My question to this is, is it ok for the atheists to attempt to destroy non-Christian religions? Or should they leave them alone too? Ie. Is Islam “better” than atheism? (Or "more valid"?)

You said:

“All in the name of "separation of church and state," which really means "imposition of the atheist creed."”

Should the Church of, say Islam, be separate from the State of the USA also? If so, then isn’t it right that Christianity should be too?

You asked:

“Now let's say a slim minority of "X" finds a way to justify the murder of innocents in the name of "X."”

Justify to themselves I guess you mean here?

Does the majority of "X" have a moral obligation to condemn the actions of the few?

Absolutely Yes. “X” notices that a subset of “X” is not treating others how they themselves would wish to be treated – and as a result they should condemn that behaviour. This is what is currently happening with the Muslim Council of Britain – they are condemning the extremist bombers and saying that these people are not true Moslems.

The ACLU won’t be so vocally supportive of these “rights” when their headquarters gets wiped out in the detonation of a nuclear device that explodes in Mojique’s backpack and takes out The Whitehouse. Yes I can tell that these people are a sore point for you ! (Note: the name Mojique comes from the 1980 Talking Heads song “Listening Wind”, where Mojique was the protagonist who did this kind of anti-western terrorist thing).

Even scarier than manufactured babies are genetically “enhanced” people, it will happen, it’s not hard to forsee. Looking at the amount of spam I see on the net the first parts to be enhanced will be in the area of the genitalia. Am I concerned? Not really, it’s as inevitable as the motorcar, cars have been used for good and bad. I do think that mankind as a whole needs to carefully consider technological advancements and how they can be used for good as well as bad. But at the end of the Sun's life, we will need technology if we are going to survive.

I hope you are well this weekend my brother!

Take care.

PS. FreeBSD or Linux ?

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