Monday, May 29, 2006

Foundational Premise

Buddy I am so glad that you are getting better and I hope that you are enjoying your solo-time out there in Arizona.

Right now I feel that there is little for me to have faith in, for the social club reasons we discussed. I know that Jesus exists, I have proof. I know He is always there and sometimes just out of reach, you need to cross a great distance to get to Him but He is there. My faith is weak but my knowledge is strong.


ID. I think this should be discussed in schools, not taught. I don't think it should be mentioned in the light of Genesis, the Qu'ran or any other religious texts. Perhaps the intelligent designer is above all religions? Do you think ID is a good thing? I would have thought yes as you are a strong Christian and ID came from the Christian lobby, I've been unable to discern your true position on ID.


Evolution. Evolution can be seen in the lab. Evolution happens. Biogenesis (in the sense of a bunch of chemicals causing life) has not been seen in the lab. I don't think that we should necessarily connect the two.


The Da Vinci Code. The auteurs of this saga said not to confuse entertainment with theology (or words to that effect). If I were of the view that God was not above the Religion of Christianity ("The Church") then I would be upset at this movie. But as it is, to me, this film doesn't even touch God. I'd like for religions not to attack those that attack it. I'd like all religious people to turn the other cheek please.

Life is so short.

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