Saturday, March 18, 2006

Yet the Heart Still Cries

I am so sorry to read about the struggles faced by you and K regarding the home situation. There appears no good -- or perhaps I should say quick and easy -- solution. You are in a spot where you must be extraordinarily careful. One false move and she who holds all the legal cards could make things even more difficult for you to be the safe port in the storm for K.

I've never understood the Psalms, mostly because I struggle to read poetry. But I know that in many the message is one of continued hope and trust in God despite what seemed like the Lord's departure from the scene. The message seems to be, paraphrased: "God is never absent, though it may not seem like he's near. Trust; always trust."

The Psalmist cries out over and over again in his despair, yet comes back to God as his anchor, his fortress, his hope.

Last night I offered a prayer for you and K. I will continue to do so. I will ask others to pray as well. There's something in my heart that says that right now, that's the course of action to take.

At all times, and under all circumstances, Jesus is aware of it all. Imagine his hand stroking K's hair as she cries; imagine the Almighty and Eternal God sitting right next to her on her bed. He's there; he's listening to your prayers; he's listening to mine.

Lord Jesus, hold K's hand. Hold deep.thought's hand. Speak to K's mother. Touch all their hearts. Let them know that you're near. Let them know that you care. Let them know that they rest in your arms. For your sake, with trust in you I pray. Amen.

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