Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sad? Sad? Me? Sad?

Yeah, well ... okay. It's a bit embarassing to admit I like that show. But no, I've never voted. And I probably never will. It's an "866" number that's used to vote, and that carries with a charge -- probably a dollar or so. Not that I can't afford the dollar ... I just don't like the notion of giving someone money so I can cast a vote in an otherwise meaningless contest!

* * *
I can't speak much to whether the Stones copied the Beatles ... to me the music doesn't sound that much alike. But I'm not very good at discerning those things. I think the test of time has favored the Stones ... not just because they're still (more or less) together, but because I think their music has stood up well over time and doesn't appear dated. To my ear Beatles songs are clearly from a bygone era ... same thing with The Who and Zeppelin ... but some of the Stones work seems to be as fresh now as back then.

Did you ever listen to "Monkey Man" and pay attention to Richards' subtle backing rhythm?

I love the song "Gimme Shelter." I love "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

But most of all, I love "Get Off of My Cloud."

Just joking about that last one.

Hey, Hey
You, You
Get off of my cloud!


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