Monday, June 25, 2007

When is a Doctor Visit Warranted?

I leave for a doctor appointment in a few minutes. I don't have any pressing symptom that needs immediate attention. I called to schedule an appointment because over the last two or three weeks there's something -- I can't quite pinpoint it -- but something that's different. I have a vague sensation as if something is out of kilter. But, as I said, I'm definitely not in dire need of medical attention.

Now, that said, here's what I'm pondering:
  • Where is the line between prudent consultation with a doctor and hypochondria?
  • Isn't it true that some of the more serious illnesses are in fact signaled by a change in habits or symptoms? Was that not the case with your cancer?
Twice in my life I've had doctors chastise me for "wasting their time." Once was a dentist. The other the guy who administered my colonoscopy last year. The latter's comments: "What are you doing here? You probably just have irritable bowel and nothing more." In addition, when I was younger my father was fairly set against going to the doctor unless "you're bleeding." That was probably a reaction on his part to the fact my mother, in those days, probably was a hypochondriac.

What are you thoughts on the trigger to consulting a doctor? Do you err on the side of caution? Or do you wait to see if a symptom persists and worsens?

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