Monday, June 25, 2007

The Fuzz

That's our cat. I'm not much a fan of cats, but I have a certain fondness for this one. But, that said, he has done something that has earned the enmity of my lovely bride. And that is a position no mortal wants to be in.

He defecated on her side of the bed today. This is the second time he's done that. The theory is he's rebelling against something. The cat views my L as the "alpha". I barely exist in the cat's eyes, except when L is not here.

L is now determined to find the cat another home. That makes me sad. Not only for the loss of the cat, but also because of what it demonstrates about her unforgiving nature. I'm not a fan of cats crapping in my bed either. But there are measures that can be taken, such as putting a plastic tarp over the bed, to try to correct the behavior. But L will hear none of it. Her mind is set. And that makes me sad.

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