Sunday, April 16, 2006

Large Events

I am deeply troubled of late, brother ... the dark cloud on the horizon has me quite shaken. We face the very real prospect in our lifetime of a limited nuclear exchange. In decades past those who possessed such weapons had a vested interest in survival, which is what kept things at bay. But such is not the case with fanatic Islamicists who feel they must take a role in ushering in the last days. From your own Telegraph comes this.

Today in church we came to the point where we silently confess our sins. It occurred to me the traditional focus of my repentence is on minor things ... there is a much bigger sin of unbelief and distrust in my heart.

Sometimes I wonder if such things aren't placed to force us to confront things we can't directly affect. We are left to tilt at windmills or truly trust that God is in control.

I question my level of trust in the Lord. I really do. It is more than zero, but it is less than 1.

Jesus said: "If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31-32, MKJV, emphasis added).

Sometimes I wonder if the freedom he spoke of was a freedom from worry; that "truth" is equated with true trust in God's sovereign rule, and that the freedom he offers is an assurance not just of some crass "insurance policy against hell" (as you so properly put it), but a freedom to know that ultimately we are safe with Christ.

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