Saturday, April 15, 2006


It would be very unfortunate were this to be the case. Is it possible??

The alternate theory focuses on the fact that in many animal species, the presence of a strange male is an environmental cue that induces sexual readiness in young females. Hence early menarche may be triggered by the presence of a "strange male" in the household.

Something about this strikes me as holding water. Or maybe it's just my view of what's right and wrong colouring things? ie. a selection effect?

The article goes on to say:

Dr Ellis says that given the uncertainty about the genetic component it is too early to use these findings as the basis for social policy, but Mr Pershouse warns that they will only add to the angst felt by many separated males regarding daughters who are left behind with their mothers, particularly in households that involve either a new boyfriend or stepfather.

Yep. I guess I'll do what I always do then, bury my head in the sand and ignore it. Anyway, it's Easter.

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