Wednesday, January 26, 2005

A Perfect Plan?

God is sovereign so to God everything is known a priori.

God knew that Eve & Adam would sin and allowed it.

God knew that the Tsunami was coming and allowed it.

God, so far, has made the decision not to change the timeline to eradicate the original sin committed by Eve & Adam, he chooses not to perfect His creation. He chooses not to eradicate the Tsunami.


I wonder - is life some sort of test? Through trial and suffering, is God testing us for suitability for entry into Heaven?

1 comment:

Moogle said...

I believe that God is allowing us 100% freedom to either choose or reject Him. This means that all of our choices must run their course. If God were to interfere all the time, then our choice would be influenced and would no longer be a free choice.

Also, God has ALREADY eradicated the original sin committed in the garden. This was done by Jesus when He died on the cross! Now God is giving us adaquate time to accept His gift.