Sunday, January 23, 2005

Critical mass to be effective

Bagwell said:

"**Here's a question in return to you: the "Treat others as you wish to be treated" directive would work if everyone abided by it. Would it work if only 75% of the people abided by it? How about 50%? This topic is related to the question of how to abide by what Jesus said in Matthew 5:39 -- "But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." To be honest, I've never fully understood how this can be accomplished. Are we as believers to turn ourselves over to the abusive evil of others? I can't imagine that's true. I won't pretend to comprehend the deepest meaning of that passage. "

I think that the more people that subscribed to it the better it would work. Gandhi had a great non-violent approach which won out in the end. It's a very interesting point, I personally believe that if people are abusing others, and are acting violently (Hitler, Osama etc), then they need restrained. The primal urges we have to be better will lead to the survival of the race en mass so should not be bred out completely -- just chanelled (somehow) away from not "treating others as one would wish to be treated". It would not be an easy road to get from here to there. "Treat others as you wish to be treated" is like a "vision statement" (ugh) -- an attempt to encourage folks think about their actions, without turning them off with an overtly religious sell.

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