Sunday, January 23, 2005

Mother Theresa

Bagwell said:
"**I'm in full agreement with you here. There is no place in the true believer's life to be dismissive and abusive to those who do not share the faith. "Be merciful to those who doubt" -- Jude 1:22. I'm reminded of Mother Theresa, who went into non-Christian Calcutta and provide selfless love and care to the forgotten and helpless. To the best of my knowledge there was no overt attempt to evangelize, and clearly the care was never conditional upon profession of some kind of faith. I've always been deeply humbled by the example set by Mother Theresa -- truly she was the "light on the hill" Jesus commanded us to be."

Me too - I too am in awe of her life and works. However -- she was one in how many billion? We cannot all be Mother Theresa (the world would stop). Most folks would be over-daunted by the mere suggestion of her way being the way for them to live their lives, but -- we can all try to "Treat others as we wish to be treated".

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