Tuesday, January 25, 2005

God is Truth, Absolutely

You wrote:
"When you have a God, there can be no Absolute Truth, other than God himself. Without God, there are many Absolute Truths."

That begs the question ... if God himself is Absolute Truth, is then what God creates, or has written, or says also Absolute Truth? Because if what passes from God into existence goes from absolute to relative, then we have to face two potential prospects:
  1. God is not sovereign; the control of Truth is out of his immediate control, or
  2. God intentionally creates uncertainty and ambiguity, like quantum physics
Option 1 opens up a host of complexities. If God is not sovereign, is there anything sovereign over him? Option 2 opens up a host of intriguing questions, but leaves God to be God. To be honest, I'm perfectly okay with #2. In fact, I've cherished a pet belief that God smiles down upon his creation -- his people -- whenever they discover something new. "Very good," he says. "You've discovered a new wrinkle, a new layer to my creation. I have more. Here's a clue. Seek some more." We'll never know it all, because to understand it all will be to understand God himself. And that, dear friend, is beyond our grasp.

Oh, by the way ... 1+1=2 in all cases because that's what my first grade teacher told me.

She was a stern task master. She frightens me to this day.

So there. :-)

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