Saturday, July 14, 2007

Stereotype Alert

I'm in the Dallas airport, awaiting my flight to New York. SOA time in the Big Apple, baby!

On the CNN TVs that are throughout the airport -- side note: brilliant marketing move on CNN's part to cut the deal to be the supplier of a news feed to airports -- they had a story about an arrest of someone associated with the Belfast airport terrorist attack.

Here's the stereotype -- all terrorists seem to look alike. They're all young men, somewhere between 20 and 35-ish or so, with a beard and an angry look on their face.

Now I recognize that not all people who fit that description are terrorists. But still I wonder ... is there a growing perception among the general population of this common "look" of terrorists? And is there perhaps a chance of a movement towards general distrust and discrimination against people who fit this profile?

Is that necessarily a bad thing? Societal pressure used to be a governing force. We've scrubbed it from our discourse for politically correct purposes. I'm wondering if people are coming back around to the realization that all the multi-cultural politically correct stuff is not in our best interest?

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