Monday, July 02, 2007

Scientific evidence for God

I agree, the article is ridiculous, you quite rightly point out that the author is suggesting that God is bound and limited by the "laws" that man has so far discovered about our Universe - forgetting that by defintion God is above all of that.

There is one interesting point though, but I don't fully understand the statistics behind it, that is - inferring the existance of God by having two groups .. one group that prayed for things, and one that didn't. Now, clearly the maker would not grant 100% of the prayers, but would He grant a statistically significant portion compared to those that did not pray?

It would be an interesting experiment, but this is what would happen ... if the result was statistically in favour of a prayer-granting God then non-believers would claim that more data points are necessary. If the result was God-neutral then believers would claim that God knew about the test and didn't want to demean Himself by getting involved. In addition, both sides would claim the results were "fixed". So there would be no point :)

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