Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Missing "8"

Your Pi algorithm is faulty. There's a missing 8. I won't tell you where. :-)

I can still recite out to 50, but I have to go fast and not think about it at all. If I slow down to contemplate the numbers I'm saying, I lose the "rhythm" of the recitation and I get lost. No kidding.

* * *
I have heard people on the radio going on and on about the exact dimensions of heaven, the nature of the paving materials used, whether there's a sun or not, etc., etc., etc. The point of my last post was just this: is that a good use of one's time for that short little "3" that represents our life?

I'm not saying one shouldn't think about heaven, or contemplate what eternity with Christ will be like. But what I am saying is that there are only so many answers that can be had from what's in Scripture. It would seem that we are not meant to have a crystal clear view. Plus, I doubt our words would adequately describe it.

* * *
All this brings up a very, very philosophical (and theological) question: what is the purpose of our life? If the 3 to the left of the decimal is so short, why did God bother to have us have a life at all? Why not just create us in heaven, as the angels were?

There is a reason God put us on this planet for a life. So what's that life for? What are we supposed to do with this life?

Chew on that! :-)

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