Sunday, April 24, 2005

Shared Experiences

You wrote:
Go the route of reason, in which case look for evidence that Jesus Christ exists. He spoke to me so I know he exists, He works in my life so I know He exists..
What do you say to someone who says to you, "But I've never had him speak to me. Is that how I can know he exists so I can believe in him?" That's a serious question ... not everyone will be so blessed as to have so direct and obvious a sign of Christ's existence. For many -- myself included -- it will require an act of faith. What other acts of reason can one employ to be assured of Christ's existence if one has not received the benefit of a direct and irrefutable sign?

* * *
May I ask you a question? Have you had some particularly bad experiences with people who wear the label "Christian?" I am quite struck by the force of your disdain for people who seek to hold that the Bible may be itself a "Truth." Please don't answer that with any references to how the Bible may have been corrupted over time by human agendas. What I seek is an answer to your personal experiences with people who hold that the Bible is inerrant.

Grace and peace.

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