Sunday, April 10, 2005

London Heathrow

What was the "movement" from your last post? The hand-waving that one sees by some Christians at Church? Whatever floats their boat, but that is not something I am comfortable with doing, it appears to be a sign to others saying "look at me, I'm really into this, I'm a good Christian", I don't think it's done on purpose either, often the subconscious had a delicious way of making itself known I think.

"When I'm presenting I am "on stage," giving a portrayal that is not really me"

That's interesting, I think that is probably true for most folks, but perhaps it's more highly developed in your good self? If a Hollywood actress such as Ms. Jolie never learned to act then she wouldn't be in Hollywood I guess. There are some physical activities, like the 100 metres sprint that not everyone can be a world record holder in, due to the way that they are put together (their genes). It would seem that there can only be a handful of Bill Gates types too, monstrously successful businessmen, so I assume that their success is also due to their genetics, the way their brains are constructed? Or is Satan powering their success?

Current Song: Muzak from the TGIF's next to me

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