Thursday, January 04, 2007

Kirk: "I need my pain!"

Isn't there a fable or story or something about the perils of knowing the mind of God?

If homosexuality is "a sin" then surely God would be pleased if humanity attempted to minimize the occurence of it through genetic manipulation? This would reduce the overall sin-burden on humanity somewhat would it not?

My concern is that if homosexuality arose through natural selection then what would removing it do to the ecological balance? Would there be more children? Would there be more people wanting to have wars? I really don't know.

I am reminded of the Science Fiction story where humans found this new planet to colonize. On the new planet were these "super killers" - they could run at 300 miles per hour, were great tacticians/hunters and could kill you with their teeth. Humanity lost hundreds of brave soldiers trying to wipe out the 6 of these "super killers" that were alive on this new world. Eventually mankind succeeded, then guess what? Some indiginous lemming like race sprouted up in their millions and overran the humans, the "super killers" had been keeping these things at bay. My point is, once we start messing with the genome we open ourselves up to all sorts of issues.

Not that I am saying we should not do it, but that we should try to think "outside of the box" when we do.


Deliberately breeding less function into your child? How selfish is that? I suffer from a genetic defect which I have passed onto my daughter. I would have given anything not to have passed it on but I did, if I could have removed the defect from her at any time I would have done. Her chest bones are just starting to grow inwards as mine did, so now we get into the "can her back be braced, can anything be done?" I would have spared her this, the pain, the social ostracizing the fear, the failure, not being able to do what your friends do, the breakages, the illnesses, etc.

However, before conception of my daughter, I was told that she had a 50/50 chance of inheriting what I have, so in that case I am not much better than these parents by deciding to have her, am I? But still I don't regret having her and she seems happy enough right now. Sometimes I wonder about how selfish I actually am and it's lots, but I am trying to improve.

If abortion is a "right" and the "personal decision" of a woman, by what rationale could one argue a woman should not have the right to abort a fetus known to be gay?

Is that what the liberals are saying? You can abort a fetus as long as it's not going to turn into a gay adult? Surely not, if so then they would also be saying that black people could not have abortions? Seems like they are pro-abortion regardless of what the fetus may be.

Wouldn't a better solution be to offer young girls some kind of support to take the child to term and have it adopted by the thousands of childless couples desperate to have one? I know that this would be very much open to abuse by those folks looking for crab legs though.


On that Kim. The one that got a way. Man you write a great story. Sorry to hear about the pain you were in, but I guess that particular experience is one of the ones that makes you who you are today.

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