Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Why in the name of God?

Yes, the rendering of trust being evil, I can see that. The person kicking the dog: a clear of example of someone treating another living creature in a way that they themselves would not wish to be treated - regardless of religion. He will of course get judged one day. (Maybe he got judged already - did you already blow him away with a magnum 44 in a "Go ahead make my day, punk" fashion?) What a ***hole.


I just made something up, well I've never seen it before anywhere. I was considering your post entitled "No purpose" and got to thinking why? Why are we are here etc? Doodling on a piece of paper I got

Whywhywhywhywhy ...

I imagined for a brief moment that I saw YHWH in there! Then I drew this grid to read YHWH across the top and YHWH down the side ..


If you make the grid infinitely large -- reading forwards and backwarks, downwards and upwards, there are your why's. There is no escape.



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