Friday, December 02, 2005

Kirsty McColl

God rest her soul sang a song which went something like:

"I don't want to change the world, I'm not looking for a new England ..."

And she did that great Christmas number with The Pogues too :-)

I never understood her in this song though, everyone wants to change the world - don't they?

When you wrote:

In a perfect world we would not need to have Marines. The world is not perfect ..

I thought of that song again. We don't have to accept the world for what it is. Let's try and teach our children on both sides of a war not to be violent towards eachother. These behaviours are learned while the children are babies. They are not born with them. Education of the parents is of paramount importance. Children copy their parents. It will take a long time to change this world but I believe that we should try and not just accept how it is today. If we glorify war where does that end? We'll get it wrong but anything that leads us towards the Star Trek utopia is goodness in my book.

PS. As Christians we really need to love Michael Moore.

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