Monday, August 08, 2005

Space, the final frontier

I get confused with Star Trek technology as there have been so many different series, each in different centuries that it's hard to remember what is and isn't available to a particular crew.

In a recent episode of "Enterprise" that I saw, Captain Jonathan Archer was floating in the shower and an ensign reported that the "gravity plating on E deck" had failed. Maybe this is some technology they got from the Vulcans whereby when passing a current through a material it behaves like a massive sheet of material and you gravitate towards it?

The personal tracking beacon is also confusing. From space in Enterprise (100 years prior to The Original Series (TOS)) they can detect life signs of their crewmen and beam them up. Did they lose this technology in TOS?

Plus in The Next Generation (TNG - 100 years after TOS) they all had badges that doubled as communicators and anyone wearing these badges could be identified and beamed up, almost achieving technological par with Enterprise 200 years earlier.

One thing that puzzled me is in TNG they are always beaming people "directly from the bridge" to somewhere or another. Why bother going to the transporter room when you can beam someone from A to B where neither A or B is the transporter room?

I liked the "transporter badge" that was introduced in the last movie (Movie 10 - Nemesis), where you don't need a transporter room at all, the badge is the transporter.

All in all Star Trek was wonderful. TOS looks a bit dated now, with Spock looking down some tube with a blue light coming out of it ...

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