Monday, August 01, 2005


Sir, you wrote that Jesus wants us to:

Turn from your sins and follow me in discipleship

Ok on the first part, on the turning away from breaking God's law, but what does "following Jesus in discipleship" mean? For the majority of us it seems to mean carrying on with our daily jobs, whatever that may be. Maybe go to Church at the weekend, we (you and I) certainly don't do what the disciples did. I guess if we did what the disciples did we would have to leave all we have (including our wives, one of which I don't have :-) and I am not suggesting for one minute that you should leave the lovely Mrs. Bagwell) and "go on the road".

Remember what Dilberts Daddy said?

"Four billion people SAY they believe in God, but few genuinely believe. If people believed in God, they would live every minute of their lives in support of that belief. Rich people would give their wealth to the needy. Everyone would be frantic to determine which religion was the true one. No one could be comfortable in the thought that they might have picked the wrong religion and blundered into eternal damnation, or bad reincarnation, or some other unthinkable consequence. People would dedicate their lives to converting others to their religions."

I don't do this. From your reading of scripture, and that eidetic memory of yours, where does it say we are called to discipleship?

Is it a direct commandment (not one of the 10) from Jesus, or Man's assumption that this is how we should act (like the disciples)?

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