Sunday, August 07, 2005

God is above all religions

The weather sounds quite cosy out there pal.

You wrote;

"God does not reveal himself to the curious, but to the obedient."

A good thing to aim for but as we have discussed - this is unachievable - it is not possible to be absolutely true to the New Covenant. Relatively true yes. I suspect that it is far more common for God to have "revealed" himself to people that have brainwashed themselves into that belief - rather than those whom God has actaully revealed Himself to.

Such a modus operandi is also fraught with danger, Islam has a similar tenet, and yet those that follow it find that they have lost eternal salvation. My point is that one has to ask one's own questions when following any leader. In an earlier foray I believe that we agreed that one can never be 100% sure of anything. Danger Will Robinson!

On the intelligent design debate you wrote:

Are you suggesting that God is himself a created being?

My point is that many Christians use the argument "this must have all come from somewhere" as an argument that a creator exists. But when asked who created the creator they forget about their initial argument, falling back upon, "God is eternal it says so in The Bible". I don't know how they can think both of those things (a bit like you not understanding how a Christian could possibly sign up for non-intelligent design). If one subscribes to the non-intelligent-design theory then this conundrum is avoided. I prefer the intelligent design theory and I cannot satisfactorily answer my own question as to "who created The Creator" so I must have Faith that it happened somehow. Was God the chicken or the egg or both I just do not know, I really hope that my consciousness finds that out one day.

I cannot answer your question above either, by definition you could mandate that The Creator was eternal, then everything is ok. Looking at the words in The Bible, Yahweh seems very powerful indeed, He has the power of life and death and can transmute energy into matter etc. He does seem rather less than I might expect from a The Creator though, for a start he is interested in some tiny planet, and some little people that live on it. And he has a name "Yahweh" - this doesn't bode well for The Creator. He suffers from human weaknesses like anger and seems trapped in the timeline along with the rest of us. He's interested in us, which doesn't tie up with all the bad things that are allowed to happen. There are many religions that have been allowed to proliferate.

To me all logic points to Yahweh being an incredibly powerful technologist with an agenda for power. BUT I refuse to believe what my logic is telling me, I prefer to follow my emotions and say that Yahweh is The Creator and try to follow and love him nonetheless. This is what Faith is all about - in my opinion. When I follow my Faith, rather than my logic, I feel much better. This is why I am very anti those Christians who argue for Christ on a logical basis, I have looked deeply into that argument and I do not like it.

My logical mind draws me inexorably to the following startling conclusion:

God is above all religions.

PS: What does "officially" joining a Church entail? Do you have to sign something? Is there an exchange of money/goods etc. Congratulations !

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