Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Animal Forgiveness

Sorry to hear about The Fuzz taking a dump on L's side of the bed (for the second time nontheless!) ... let me ask ... would she have been ok with Le Fuzz doing the dirty deed on your side?

I'm not really an animal person myself, although the goldfish have survived for two years now, I bought them a big bio-orb tank to swim around in, they are enormous now, and Shelley the Syrian Hamster still gets her daily run. Personally I wouldn't have a cat (not just because it would try to eat Shelley) but I would have a dog however and if I ever get to retire then I will get one .. I love dogs. Cats on the other hand .. well, they shit on your bed :)

It is a great song and unfortunately as Gay as The Gordons, but "The Pet Shop Boys" were right on with "I Want A Dog":
I want a dog
A chihuahua
When I get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, you can get lonely

Don't want a cat,
Scratching its claws all over my
Giving no love and getting fat
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
And a cat's no help with that
I can't really relate to folks who keep cats. K's mother has always kept them, but that is what one would expect of a witch no? :)

I agree with you here though, once the responsibility has been taken on, you can't shirk it. The right thing to do is to forgive the cat and tend it til it dies, then at that point decide never to get a cat again! But that's just me.


Wasn't that diesel engine oil? Is a GoldWing a diesel? What's occurring here.

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