Saturday, June 09, 2007


I didn't intentionally save that draft ... apparently Blogger has an autosave facility and that's what you saw. Good thing I didn't call you an S.O.B. in that draft! :-)

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I doubt very much that the ultimate adoption of SOA will be anything like what's being proposed now. There is great risk in carving up the universe into a blizzard of small little services. It'll quickly get out of control, regardless of the "repository" one puts in place. I've seen enough consulting presentations now to know that the danger is present -- and very real -- for this thing to spin out of control due to lack of discipline.

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If I remember correctly, Microsoft early on wasn't all that keen about TCP. I think they bet early on their own version of NetBIOS. So did our company ... as a short term stopgap prior to realization of APPC/APPN, which of course never caught hold. Oh, if only we'd provided a free file transfer program! It might not have made a difference ultimately, but it it would have made the fight interesting.

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Have you seen the new "Google Street View" (or whatever it's called)? They are building up an inventory of close up shots that can be zoomed to view. Apparently there's a row forming over invasion of privacy and all that.

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Interesting goings on over here regarding Paris Hilton. I suspect you know the gist of it -- convicted of a "driving under the influence" (DUI), her license is suspended. But she drives anyway, and it caught again. She gets a sentence of 45 days in jail. After 3 days she's released to complete the remainder of her sentence at home. But the original sentencing judge demands a hearing and orders her back to jail. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.

She is getting a much needed dose of reality in her life right now, painful as it may be. She will be a better person for it if she completes her term. I told my lovely bride, right after Hilton had been released after only three days, that if she truly is out of jail after only 3 days then she will rue the day. She will instantly become a reviled celebrity, along the lines of O.J. Simpson, booed at every appearance. But, if she serves her 45 days with dignity, comes out of it with a contrite spirit, she can leverage that into a new burst of time in the limelight.

Hollywood ... what a place to grow up rich and famous, huh?

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