That's a cute canine you showed there, K said "awwwww" when I showed it to her, it was some kind of instinctual response. Apparently this sense of "awwwww" is a positive which favours us not killing our own young, thus has been allowed to flourish through natural selection.
Tonight we saw the movie "Shrek The Third" .. although very enjoyable I think I've had enough of Shrek. Although K is looking forwards to Shrek 4 already!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
API Service Classifications
Wasn't that diesel engine oil? Is a GoldWing a diesel? What's occurring here.
No, the Wing is a gasoline engine. The Rotella T heavy duty truck oil carries the API certification for both gasoline and diesel engines. For gasoline engines it carries the "SM" certification. For diesel engines, the newest certification, CJ-4.
The owners manual for the Goldwing calls for "SG or higher." The classification system provides for the higher ratings to possess all the qualities of the lower ratings as well as additional benefits.
The Wing calls for a 10W-30 oil or a 10W-40 if average operating temperatures are in the range of 80 to 100 degrees F. Well, that's me. Rotella is a 15W-40 oil.
Some people get nervous because Rotella is not "JASO MA" rated. JASO is the Japanese association that does oil rating. Honda doesn't mandate a JASO MA ... their literature says "API SG or higher or JASO MA."
There is almost no topic that stirs up passions on the motorcycle forums like oil. Some people hold that oil is the magic elixir of life. They swear by certain brands -- Mobil 1, or Amsoil, or whatever. They claim their engines perform horribly with anything but their brand of oil.
I'm beginning to settle on the opinion that as long as the oil is halfway decent -- in other words, not some cheap no-brand stuff -- and changed at a reasonable interval, the engine will do just fine. Some people like to stretch their oil changes out to 8K or 10K miles. Supposedly the synthetics are capable of doing that. I'd prefer to change mine every 3K to 4K just to be on the safe side. And that's where Rotella is nice at $9/gallon ... the Wing takes a gallon of oil. Throw in a $10 filter and I've changed the oil for $20.
* * *
L has softened a bit on the Fuzz. She's now less eager to get rid of him. But she seems insistent that I am to take on a greater role as caregiver so the cat does not see her as the primary person to retaliate against.
let me ask ... would she have been ok with Le Fuzz doing the dirty deed on your side?
Not okay, but a bit less upset. This is not just about the mess created. It's also about the perceived direct slight of L personally.
* * *
No messages waiting for me from the doctor's office today. I take that as a good sign, in that if the blood work turned up something dire I'd have a call saying "Call the office." No such call. I was told that if things came up normal then I'd get a call, but perhaps not right away.
Still no explaining the headaches and slight dizziness. Food allergy of some kind?
Then of course there's the ubiquitous "stress" factor.
No, the Wing is a gasoline engine. The Rotella T heavy duty truck oil carries the API certification for both gasoline and diesel engines. For gasoline engines it carries the "SM" certification. For diesel engines, the newest certification, CJ-4.
The owners manual for the Goldwing calls for "SG or higher." The classification system provides for the higher ratings to possess all the qualities of the lower ratings as well as additional benefits.
The Wing calls for a 10W-30 oil or a 10W-40 if average operating temperatures are in the range of 80 to 100 degrees F. Well, that's me. Rotella is a 15W-40 oil.
Some people get nervous because Rotella is not "JASO MA" rated. JASO is the Japanese association that does oil rating. Honda doesn't mandate a JASO MA ... their literature says "API SG or higher or JASO MA."
There is almost no topic that stirs up passions on the motorcycle forums like oil. Some people hold that oil is the magic elixir of life. They swear by certain brands -- Mobil 1, or Amsoil, or whatever. They claim their engines perform horribly with anything but their brand of oil.
I'm beginning to settle on the opinion that as long as the oil is halfway decent -- in other words, not some cheap no-brand stuff -- and changed at a reasonable interval, the engine will do just fine. Some people like to stretch their oil changes out to 8K or 10K miles. Supposedly the synthetics are capable of doing that. I'd prefer to change mine every 3K to 4K just to be on the safe side. And that's where Rotella is nice at $9/gallon ... the Wing takes a gallon of oil. Throw in a $10 filter and I've changed the oil for $20.
* * *
L has softened a bit on the Fuzz. She's now less eager to get rid of him. But she seems insistent that I am to take on a greater role as caregiver so the cat does not see her as the primary person to retaliate against.
let me ask ... would she have been ok with Le Fuzz doing the dirty deed on your side?
Not okay, but a bit less upset. This is not just about the mess created. It's also about the perceived direct slight of L personally.
* * *
No messages waiting for me from the doctor's office today. I take that as a good sign, in that if the blood work turned up something dire I'd have a call saying "Call the office." No such call. I was told that if things came up normal then I'd get a call, but perhaps not right away.
Still no explaining the headaches and slight dizziness. Food allergy of some kind?
Then of course there's the ubiquitous "stress" factor.
Animal Forgiveness
Sorry to hear about The Fuzz taking a dump on L's side of the bed (for the second time nontheless!) ... let me ask ... would she have been ok with Le Fuzz doing the dirty deed on your side?
I'm not really an animal person myself, although the goldfish have survived for two years now, I bought them a big bio-orb tank to swim around in, they are enormous now, and Shelley the Syrian Hamster still gets her daily run. Personally I wouldn't have a cat (not just because it would try to eat Shelley) but I would have a dog however and if I ever get to retire then I will get one .. I love dogs. Cats on the other hand .. well, they shit on your bed :)
It is a great song and unfortunately as Gay as The Gordons, but "The Pet Shop Boys" were right on with "I Want A Dog":
I agree with you here though, once the responsibility has been taken on, you can't shirk it. The right thing to do is to forgive the cat and tend it til it dies, then at that point decide never to get a cat again! But that's just me.
Wasn't that diesel engine oil? Is a GoldWing a diesel? What's occurring here.
I'm not really an animal person myself, although the goldfish have survived for two years now, I bought them a big bio-orb tank to swim around in, they are enormous now, and Shelley the Syrian Hamster still gets her daily run. Personally I wouldn't have a cat (not just because it would try to eat Shelley) but I would have a dog however and if I ever get to retire then I will get one .. I love dogs. Cats on the other hand .. well, they shit on your bed :)
It is a great song and unfortunately as Gay as The Gordons, but "The Pet Shop Boys" were right on with "I Want A Dog":
I want a dogI can't really relate to folks who keep cats. K's mother has always kept them, but that is what one would expect of a witch no? :)
A chihuahua
When I get back to my small flat
I want to hear somebody bark
Oh, you can get lonely
Don't want a cat,
Scratching its claws all over my
Giving no love and getting fat
Oh, (oh oh) you can get lonely
And a cat's no help with that
I agree with you here though, once the responsibility has been taken on, you can't shirk it. The right thing to do is to forgive the cat and tend it til it dies, then at that point decide never to get a cat again! But that's just me.
Wasn't that diesel engine oil? Is a GoldWing a diesel? What's occurring here.
Monday, June 25, 2007
The Fuzz
That's our cat. I'm not much a fan of cats, but I have a certain fondness for this one. But, that said, he has done something that has earned the enmity of my lovely bride. And that is a position no mortal wants to be in.
He defecated on her side of the bed today. This is the second time he's done that. The theory is he's rebelling against something. The cat views my L as the "alpha". I barely exist in the cat's eyes, except when L is not here.
L is now determined to find the cat another home. That makes me sad. Not only for the loss of the cat, but also because of what it demonstrates about her unforgiving nature. I'm not a fan of cats crapping in my bed either. But there are measures that can be taken, such as putting a plastic tarp over the bed, to try to correct the behavior. But L will hear none of it. Her mind is set. And that makes me sad.
He defecated on her side of the bed today. This is the second time he's done that. The theory is he's rebelling against something. The cat views my L as the "alpha". I barely exist in the cat's eyes, except when L is not here.
L is now determined to find the cat another home. That makes me sad. Not only for the loss of the cat, but also because of what it demonstrates about her unforgiving nature. I'm not a fan of cats crapping in my bed either. But there are measures that can be taken, such as putting a plastic tarp over the bed, to try to correct the behavior. But L will hear none of it. Her mind is set. And that makes me sad.
What? You don't overindulge in the egg-and-beans on toast?
I really must try that. I'm quite certain I would find it good.
But the society we live in really does encourage obesity, so it's kind of an acceptable way to be now I think.
For all the talk about how society and fashion dictates an unhealthy underweight image for girls, what I see is a remarkable number of girls at the mall who are plain fat, and make no effort to disguise it. They have rather large belly rolls oozing out over the top of their jeans and they wear a midriff-bearing tight shirt. So I think you are correct ... there is a degree of acceptability to being fat. I don't think I'd go so far as to say it's desirable. Just not as discouraged as before.
As I get older, my ability to maintain my "ideal" weight -- 162 pounds -- gets harder and harder. Right now I'm hovering around 167, which for a 6'0" tall man is not at all bad. Except that most of that extra five pounds is smack in the middle of my belly. And I don't like that.
The culprit is pasta and bread. I love the stuff. Absolutely love it. But I can demonstrate through a few weeks of disciplined dieting that I can lose the belly by simply cutting out breads and pastas. I don't have to go on a severe carbohydrate-restricted diet. Just cut back on pasta dishes and bread ... and within two days I'm craving the stuff and within two weeks I'll have lost those five pounds.
My problem is this -- my lovely bride mixed up a big batch of this absolutely yummy pasta salad. It has cheese tortellini and tri-colored rotini, along with broccoli, carrots and celery, mixed up with a nice balsamic vinegar dressing. Hmmmmm ...
I love the stuff. It's like crack. I'm completely addicted.
* * *
This has absolutely nothing to do with food, but my mention of "rotini" made me think of it. I have settled on my preferred motor oil for my Goldwing. No, not some fancy synthetic motorcycle-specific oil like Mobil 1 or Amsoil, but ...
Shell Rotella T Heavy Duty 15W-40 Diesel Truck Oil

It turns out this stuff is nearly ideal for motorcycles with a shared engine/transmission design. The additive package of this has anti-wear (phosphorus and zinc) and anti-oxidation (calcium) capabilities that work quite well in a motorcycle.
Here's the best part ... a quart of Mobil 1 motorcycle oil: $9
A gallon of Rotella T ... $9
There is a huge community of oil-geeks out there. Huge. Check out this site.
I really must try that. I'm quite certain I would find it good.
But the society we live in really does encourage obesity, so it's kind of an acceptable way to be now I think.
For all the talk about how society and fashion dictates an unhealthy underweight image for girls, what I see is a remarkable number of girls at the mall who are plain fat, and make no effort to disguise it. They have rather large belly rolls oozing out over the top of their jeans and they wear a midriff-bearing tight shirt. So I think you are correct ... there is a degree of acceptability to being fat. I don't think I'd go so far as to say it's desirable. Just not as discouraged as before.
As I get older, my ability to maintain my "ideal" weight -- 162 pounds -- gets harder and harder. Right now I'm hovering around 167, which for a 6'0" tall man is not at all bad. Except that most of that extra five pounds is smack in the middle of my belly. And I don't like that.
The culprit is pasta and bread. I love the stuff. Absolutely love it. But I can demonstrate through a few weeks of disciplined dieting that I can lose the belly by simply cutting out breads and pastas. I don't have to go on a severe carbohydrate-restricted diet. Just cut back on pasta dishes and bread ... and within two days I'm craving the stuff and within two weeks I'll have lost those five pounds.
My problem is this -- my lovely bride mixed up a big batch of this absolutely yummy pasta salad. It has cheese tortellini and tri-colored rotini, along with broccoli, carrots and celery, mixed up with a nice balsamic vinegar dressing. Hmmmmm ...
I love the stuff. It's like crack. I'm completely addicted.
* * *
This has absolutely nothing to do with food, but my mention of "rotini" made me think of it. I have settled on my preferred motor oil for my Goldwing. No, not some fancy synthetic motorcycle-specific oil like Mobil 1 or Amsoil, but ...
Shell Rotella T Heavy Duty 15W-40 Diesel Truck Oil
It turns out this stuff is nearly ideal for motorcycles with a shared engine/transmission design. The additive package of this has anti-wear (phosphorus and zinc) and anti-oxidation (calcium) capabilities that work quite well in a motorcycle.
Here's the best part ... a quart of Mobil 1 motorcycle oil: $9
A gallon of Rotella T ... $9
There is a huge community of oil-geeks out there. Huge. Check out this site.
Medical Dilemmas
What are you thoughts on the trigger to consulting a doctor? Do you err on the side of caution? Or do you wait to see if a symptom persists and worsens?
Well in the case of my cancer I think there was a trigger involved but of course I can never be sure. I don't know if you recall but between June and November 2001 I was seeing a young lady, during this time I wasn't really looking after myself and certainly over indulging in the pleasures of life :) I think my tumor first made itself known around 9/11. I can't be sure but I think my lifestyle then could have been the trigger.
I had symptoms for sure but they were confused by the doctors with a kidney problem I had leading to left nephrectomy (kidney removal) in Feb 2002 (the kidney having exploded due to a stone in 1998, again mis-diagnosed by doctors as something connected with my genetic condition).
In the few months following completion of my chemo and radiation therapy in 2003 I had two emergency trips back to the hosiptal (>100 miles away) because I was fearful that the tumor was growing again. I could see that they didn't really take me seriously so I just gave up. At my last check-up they said "we're not going to do any more scans unless you tell us we need to", which I thought was quite humorous.
So you almost have to be your own doctor in the UK. I would have to get very sick before doctors would take a serious look to see if anything was wrong. As a result of all this, I have very little faith in >99% of doctors, but there are a group of far less than 1% who lead the way and save lives, you just have to find them! (PS. The nurses are on the whole just great).
One thing that is clear is that worrying is not going to help you, but it's hard not to when you are feeling off. I think you'll be ok - please keep me posted !
Well in the case of my cancer I think there was a trigger involved but of course I can never be sure. I don't know if you recall but between June and November 2001 I was seeing a young lady, during this time I wasn't really looking after myself and certainly over indulging in the pleasures of life :) I think my tumor first made itself known around 9/11. I can't be sure but I think my lifestyle then could have been the trigger.
I had symptoms for sure but they were confused by the doctors with a kidney problem I had leading to left nephrectomy (kidney removal) in Feb 2002 (the kidney having exploded due to a stone in 1998, again mis-diagnosed by doctors as something connected with my genetic condition).
In the few months following completion of my chemo and radiation therapy in 2003 I had two emergency trips back to the hosiptal (>100 miles away) because I was fearful that the tumor was growing again. I could see that they didn't really take me seriously so I just gave up. At my last check-up they said "we're not going to do any more scans unless you tell us we need to", which I thought was quite humorous.
So you almost have to be your own doctor in the UK. I would have to get very sick before doctors would take a serious look to see if anything was wrong. As a result of all this, I have very little faith in >99% of doctors, but there are a group of far less than 1% who lead the way and save lives, you just have to find them! (PS. The nurses are on the whole just great).
One thing that is clear is that worrying is not going to help you, but it's hard not to when you are feeling off. I think you'll be ok - please keep me posted !
When is a Doctor Visit Warranted?
I leave for a doctor appointment in a few minutes. I don't have any pressing symptom that needs immediate attention. I called to schedule an appointment because over the last two or three weeks there's something -- I can't quite pinpoint it -- but something that's different. I have a vague sensation as if something is out of kilter. But, as I said, I'm definitely not in dire need of medical attention.
Now, that said, here's what I'm pondering:
What are you thoughts on the trigger to consulting a doctor? Do you err on the side of caution? Or do you wait to see if a symptom persists and worsens?
Now, that said, here's what I'm pondering:
- Where is the line between prudent consultation with a doctor and hypochondria?
- Isn't it true that some of the more serious illnesses are in fact signaled by a change in habits or symptoms? Was that not the case with your cancer?
What are you thoughts on the trigger to consulting a doctor? Do you err on the side of caution? Or do you wait to see if a symptom persists and worsens?
Largesse of another kind
Hello my friend. I can imagine what it's like to be in those temperatures you mentionfor maybe a week or two maximum .. I can recall holidays to the sun in my youth .. but to live like that for months is not something I have experience with. Being an ectomorph I generally thrive in the heat though so I think I might like it, at least a little. Tiring though for sure.
Most of my focus is still not work related, having a couple of kids running around does take some energy, and I also spent the weekend in an internet chess tournament (came 2nd again) while the kids went to their mothers house.
Overweight folks, I just don't understand why they take the food (and in the west it is plentiful and easy to get hold these days) and eat too much of it. Some people seem to just want to eat and eat and are not happy until everything that is outside of them is inside of them. I have heard so many excuses from overweight people. I am underweight and I give no excuses, even though I have a genetic condition - I am underweight because I do not consume enough food, period. Even if my metabolism is broken and can only turn say 30% of food into flesh, where a normal ratio might be 50%, this still means all I have to do is eat more. Overweight people consume too much food for their size and do too little exercise. This is not a way I'd like to live personally, whereas I don't care if I am underweight as long as I don't get sick.
Someone who willingly feeds these enormous people of course does them no good, it's a classic example of "spare the rod and spoil the chil" -- the rod in this case being not giving into an overweight persons demand for food.
But the society we live in really does encourage obesity, so it's kind of an acceptable way to be now I think.
There has been much thunder and lightning in the UK recently. My router keeps dying. The end is nigh !
I will try to get your SOA labs sorted out in the next two weeks. I hope you and the missus are thriving in Tucson my friend!
Most of my focus is still not work related, having a couple of kids running around does take some energy, and I also spent the weekend in an internet chess tournament (came 2nd again) while the kids went to their mothers house.
Overweight folks, I just don't understand why they take the food (and in the west it is plentiful and easy to get hold these days) and eat too much of it. Some people seem to just want to eat and eat and are not happy until everything that is outside of them is inside of them. I have heard so many excuses from overweight people. I am underweight and I give no excuses, even though I have a genetic condition - I am underweight because I do not consume enough food, period. Even if my metabolism is broken and can only turn say 30% of food into flesh, where a normal ratio might be 50%, this still means all I have to do is eat more. Overweight people consume too much food for their size and do too little exercise. This is not a way I'd like to live personally, whereas I don't care if I am underweight as long as I don't get sick.
Someone who willingly feeds these enormous people of course does them no good, it's a classic example of "spare the rod and spoil the chil" -- the rod in this case being not giving into an overweight persons demand for food.
But the society we live in really does encourage obesity, so it's kind of an acceptable way to be now I think.
There has been much thunder and lightning in the UK recently. My router keeps dying. The end is nigh !
I will try to get your SOA labs sorted out in the next two weeks. I hope you and the missus are thriving in Tucson my friend!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
400 Miles in 100+ Degree Heat
That was yesterday. I left the house at around 7:00am with the temperature reading 89 degrees Fahrenheit. Throughout most of my 400 mile ride I saw temperatures around 99 to 102 degrees, but it spiked to 109 degrees on my approach back into Tucson.
Let me tell you, riding in that kind of heat takes all the energy out of a person.
* * *
How are things on your side of the pond?
Let me tell you, riding in that kind of heat takes all the energy out of a person.
* * *
How are things on your side of the pond?
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Humble Talent
Yes, I do have a soft spot for those reality TV shows. That particular show has an American counterpart as well. I particularly like it when unassuming people demonstrate extraordinary skill and maintain a kind of quiet humility about it. This fellow seems to be that in spades. His performance there was quite extraordinary.
Thanks for sharing that.
* * *
I am currently in Columbus, Ohio ... getting ready to go home tomorrow. The inaugural launch of the SOA workshop went well ... except for a problem with the Broker lab that I'd never seen before. It turned out to be caused by a loss of connection between CICS and RRS. That made the call from Broker to CICS fail, throwing an error of .
It bothers me greatly when the labs go badly. :-(
* * *
I am watching a show on television right now about obesity. They're profiling a poor soul who consumes 14,500 calories a day, including 700 grams of fat. He's in horrible physical condition, of course. What's sad is that the profile shows his family enabling his "food addiction" by preparing meal after meal for the man, who eats his food in his bed.
Sad ... and somewhat maddening. It's one thing for someone to be obese and try hard to maintain their weight. But to see someone morbidly obese laughing at the vast quantities of food they eat per day is hard to take with much grace.
Thanks for sharing that.
* * *
I am currently in Columbus, Ohio ... getting ready to go home tomorrow. The inaugural launch of the SOA workshop went well ... except for a problem with the Broker lab that I'd never seen before. It turned out to be caused by a loss of connection between CICS and RRS. That made the call from Broker to CICS fail, throwing an error of
It bothers me greatly when the labs go badly. :-(
* * *
I am watching a show on television right now about obesity. They're profiling a poor soul who consumes 14,500 calories a day, including 700 grams of fat. He's in horrible physical condition, of course. What's sad is that the profile shows his family enabling his "food addiction" by preparing meal after meal for the man, who eats his food in his bed.
Sad ... and somewhat maddening. It's one thing for someone to be obese and try hard to maintain their weight. But to see someone morbidly obese laughing at the vast quantities of food they eat per day is hard to take with much grace.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
A Star Is Born
You seem to be a fan of these awful talent shows on the TV? K made me watch last week as TV looked for talent in Britain. The overall competition was won by Paul Potts, a young cell phone salesman from South Wales.
Here is his first performance on the show ->
Aside from being a great tenor, the human part of his story is appealing, that of a hidden talent born to sing but never being discovered - suddenly bursting onto the scene to achieve his destiny, saved from a lifetime of mediocrity. Perhaps that is the hook for all of these shows?
Couple that to the fact of presentation ... a small unassuming not particularly handsome fat bloke walks on in an ill fitting suit and does that ! Talk about not judging a book by its cover :)
Did you ever see the TV show Columbo? The power of underestimation is very significant, people like to be surprised don't they (we)? Lots of important "life" stuff to talk with K about from that clip.
It's kind of linked to the fact that we humans have some kind of natural tendency for mercy, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Here is his first performance on the show ->
Aside from being a great tenor, the human part of his story is appealing, that of a hidden talent born to sing but never being discovered - suddenly bursting onto the scene to achieve his destiny, saved from a lifetime of mediocrity. Perhaps that is the hook for all of these shows?
Couple that to the fact of presentation ... a small unassuming not particularly handsome fat bloke walks on in an ill fitting suit and does that ! Talk about not judging a book by its cover :)
Did you ever see the TV show Columbo? The power of underestimation is very significant, people like to be surprised don't they (we)? Lots of important "life" stuff to talk with K about from that clip.
It's kind of linked to the fact that we humans have some kind of natural tendency for mercy, but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Legal Repercussions
There seems to be something of a desire to "worship" built into us humans - it's just that sometimes we worship the wrong things don't we? Like "celebrities" - I mean what is that all about? Still, I understand now that Paris Hilton has buckled down and will serve her 40-odd days on the 5-star celebrity wing like a good girl.
I think short term jail sentences for this kind of thing are a good idea. Judges have great powers, and it's good to see them exercised in this case. Where they are not exercised but should be, is when it comes to fathers seeing their children. For instance, a mother can be jailed for deliberately and repeatedly obstructing contact - but rarely will judges incarcerate these women. It's not "in the best interests of the child". I would disagree with that to an extent.
There were some awful liberals on the chess server saying "Ohh that judge will regret it if Paris commits suicide in prison - the nasty judge". This is so indicative of a major problem with many young people today. "It's not my fault" and "I should be allowed to do what I want" and "THE MAN has ruined the ozone layer ... etc" (Spot the reference :)
Incidentally, what would these liberals say to a father who was told by a judge that he could not see his children, and then had to pay the mother 75% of his salary to live in the house he slaved all his life to buy with her boyfriend that he had been replaced by? If this father decided to commit suicide then I bet it would not be the fault of the judge in that case - I mean, the father had it coming to him didn't he :) Most normal folks would say "bad luck". But "bad luck" is not correct, "it's a travesty of justice" is closer to the mark.
So yes I think there are times you should hold judges accountable for the consequences of their bad decisions - but not in the Paris Hilton case.
I think short term jail sentences for this kind of thing are a good idea. Judges have great powers, and it's good to see them exercised in this case. Where they are not exercised but should be, is when it comes to fathers seeing their children. For instance, a mother can be jailed for deliberately and repeatedly obstructing contact - but rarely will judges incarcerate these women. It's not "in the best interests of the child". I would disagree with that to an extent.
There were some awful liberals on the chess server saying "Ohh that judge will regret it if Paris commits suicide in prison - the nasty judge". This is so indicative of a major problem with many young people today. "It's not my fault" and "I should be allowed to do what I want" and "THE MAN has ruined the ozone layer ... etc" (Spot the reference :)
Incidentally, what would these liberals say to a father who was told by a judge that he could not see his children, and then had to pay the mother 75% of his salary to live in the house he slaved all his life to buy with her boyfriend that he had been replaced by? If this father decided to commit suicide then I bet it would not be the fault of the judge in that case - I mean, the father had it coming to him didn't he :) Most normal folks would say "bad luck". But "bad luck" is not correct, "it's a travesty of justice" is closer to the mark.
So yes I think there are times you should hold judges accountable for the consequences of their bad decisions - but not in the Paris Hilton case.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
I didn't intentionally save that draft ... apparently Blogger has an autosave facility and that's what you saw. Good thing I didn't call you an S.O.B. in that draft! :-)
* * *
I doubt very much that the ultimate adoption of SOA will be anything like what's being proposed now. There is great risk in carving up the universe into a blizzard of small little services. It'll quickly get out of control, regardless of the "repository" one puts in place. I've seen enough consulting presentations now to know that the danger is present -- and very real -- for this thing to spin out of control due to lack of discipline.
* * *
If I remember correctly, Microsoft early on wasn't all that keen about TCP. I think they bet early on their own version of NetBIOS. So did our company ... as a short term stopgap prior to realization of APPC/APPN, which of course never caught hold. Oh, if only we'd provided a free file transfer program! It might not have made a difference ultimately, but it it would have made the fight interesting.
* * *
Have you seen the new "Google Street View" (or whatever it's called)? They are building up an inventory of close up shots that can be zoomed to view. Apparently there's a row forming over invasion of privacy and all that.
* * *
Interesting goings on over here regarding Paris Hilton. I suspect you know the gist of it -- convicted of a "driving under the influence" (DUI), her license is suspended. But she drives anyway, and it caught again. She gets a sentence of 45 days in jail. After 3 days she's released to complete the remainder of her sentence at home. But the original sentencing judge demands a hearing and orders her back to jail. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
She is getting a much needed dose of reality in her life right now, painful as it may be. She will be a better person for it if she completes her term. I told my lovely bride, right after Hilton had been released after only three days, that if she truly is out of jail after only 3 days then she will rue the day. She will instantly become a reviled celebrity, along the lines of O.J. Simpson, booed at every appearance. But, if she serves her 45 days with dignity, comes out of it with a contrite spirit, she can leverage that into a new burst of time in the limelight.
Hollywood ... what a place to grow up rich and famous, huh?
* * *
I doubt very much that the ultimate adoption of SOA will be anything like what's being proposed now. There is great risk in carving up the universe into a blizzard of small little services. It'll quickly get out of control, regardless of the "repository" one puts in place. I've seen enough consulting presentations now to know that the danger is present -- and very real -- for this thing to spin out of control due to lack of discipline.
* * *
If I remember correctly, Microsoft early on wasn't all that keen about TCP. I think they bet early on their own version of NetBIOS. So did our company ... as a short term stopgap prior to realization of APPC/APPN, which of course never caught hold. Oh, if only we'd provided a free file transfer program! It might not have made a difference ultimately, but it it would have made the fight interesting.
* * *
Have you seen the new "Google Street View" (or whatever it's called)? They are building up an inventory of close up shots that can be zoomed to view. Apparently there's a row forming over invasion of privacy and all that.
* * *
Interesting goings on over here regarding Paris Hilton. I suspect you know the gist of it -- convicted of a "driving under the influence" (DUI), her license is suspended. But she drives anyway, and it caught again. She gets a sentence of 45 days in jail. After 3 days she's released to complete the remainder of her sentence at home. But the original sentencing judge demands a hearing and orders her back to jail. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
She is getting a much needed dose of reality in her life right now, painful as it may be. She will be a better person for it if she completes her term. I told my lovely bride, right after Hilton had been released after only three days, that if she truly is out of jail after only 3 days then she will rue the day. She will instantly become a reviled celebrity, along the lines of O.J. Simpson, booed at every appearance. But, if she serves her 45 days with dignity, comes out of it with a contrite spirit, she can leverage that into a new burst of time in the limelight.
Hollywood ... what a place to grow up rich and famous, huh?
Why SOA?
Apparently the SOA charts I put together tell the story better than they'd seen anywhere else.
Yes I too have stated this. The question I have is "Will customers really embrace SOA or will they stick with monolithic applications?"
I like to think of the Linux kernel, it is monolithlic, although well structured. Other kernels, such as the one in Apple's MacOS are "microkernels" they have a small basic kernel and you plug higher level functions (eg. I/O) into it.
Which is the better architecture? I don't know. Although Apple do have a prettier GUI :)
I was speaking with someone who said he has made a mint in property investment, he said he uses Google Earth to assay (assess?) the value of a proposed investment. He has a simple algorithm that takes into account how many major roads pass by etc. Interesting use of Google Earth I thought!
PS. I can see your previous draft! My guess is that you didn't want to risk disheartening me .. don't worry I am quite cognisant of my chances should A try to get K back, in that case I can only appeal to God to soften her heart and let her see the wishes of her child. I am confident :)
PPS. Ubiquitous protocol required yes, but also a PC in every home too (otherwise there is nothing to connect together). What was the sequence ...
1. Computers came into existence
2. The military and academia connected them together (TCP/IP)
3. Microsoft put a PC in every home
4. The network from (2) extended to (3) - like a creeping virus?
Yes I too have stated this. The question I have is "Will customers really embrace SOA or will they stick with monolithic applications?"
I like to think of the Linux kernel, it is monolithlic, although well structured. Other kernels, such as the one in Apple's MacOS are "microkernels" they have a small basic kernel and you plug higher level functions (eg. I/O) into it.
Which is the better architecture? I don't know. Although Apple do have a prettier GUI :)
I was speaking with someone who said he has made a mint in property investment, he said he uses Google Earth to assay (assess?) the value of a proposed investment. He has a simple algorithm that takes into account how many major roads pass by etc. Interesting use of Google Earth I thought!
PS. I can see your previous draft! My guess is that you didn't want to risk disheartening me .. don't worry I am quite cognisant of my chances should A try to get K back, in that case I can only appeal to God to soften her heart and let her see the wishes of her child. I am confident :)
PPS. Ubiquitous protocol required yes, but also a PC in every home too (otherwise there is nothing to connect together). What was the sequence ...
1. Computers came into existence
2. The military and academia connected them together (TCP/IP)
3. Microsoft put a PC in every home
4. The network from (2) extended to (3) - like a creeping virus?
Letting Loose Control of Outcome
I'm just going to carry on as if all is the same and see what happens.
I admire your ability to take this viewpoint. But it must be hard ... at least it would be for me ... to sit back and not try to control the events you can't control. That is the root of much of my trouble ... since I don't trust anyone or anything, I try to ensure at least a safe outcome for me. But this means expending unbelievable quantities of energy on worrying. And that's hard. And I'm tired.
So bravo to you for being able to hold onto a much better outlook on things.
Monday nights when E is over and we all go out for a curry - you know, curry, that hot stuff that you used to be able to scoff down!
Ah, I remember well. I doubt very much I would attempt anything like what I did before. And certainly not on the night before a long airplane flight. ;-)
Other than that I managed to qualify for the final of the freestyle chess tournament ( see if you can spot my surname) so now I am officially in the top 5 on the "most advanced chess players in the world" list :)
Congratulations! I do indeed spot your surname!
In my SOA class I usually mention that in my opinion the most significant computer-related development of the last 25 years was the adoption of TCP as the universal networking protocol. I still believe that ... and your chess competition thing is another piece of evidence. Could that have been done without TCP? Sure. But uniting the planet around a common networking protocol allowed the focus to shift to things like this. Fast, plentiful bandwidth had something to do with it too. :-)
* * *
I am back from Sacramento. One week here, then off to Columbus to teach my SOA workshop. While in Sacramento I had the opportunity to quickly review my material with two senior architects who cover the state of California. They very much liked what I had. They very quickly asked if I could come back to Sacramento and present the material to a gathering of state agency personnel. Apparently the SOA charts I put together tell the story better than they'd seen anywhere else.
It was nice to get further validation from two people who have enough background to meaningfully compare my material to other material available.
I admire your ability to take this viewpoint. But it must be hard ... at least it would be for me ... to sit back and not try to control the events you can't control. That is the root of much of my trouble ... since I don't trust anyone or anything, I try to ensure at least a safe outcome for me. But this means expending unbelievable quantities of energy on worrying. And that's hard. And I'm tired.
So bravo to you for being able to hold onto a much better outlook on things.
Monday nights when E is over and we all go out for a curry - you know, curry, that hot stuff that you used to be able to scoff down!
Ah, I remember well. I doubt very much I would attempt anything like what I did before. And certainly not on the night before a long airplane flight. ;-)
Other than that I managed to qualify for the final of the freestyle chess tournament ( see if you can spot my surname) so now I am officially in the top 5 on the "most advanced chess players in the world" list :)
Congratulations! I do indeed spot your surname!
In my SOA class I usually mention that in my opinion the most significant computer-related development of the last 25 years was the adoption of TCP as the universal networking protocol. I still believe that ... and your chess competition thing is another piece of evidence. Could that have been done without TCP? Sure. But uniting the planet around a common networking protocol allowed the focus to shift to things like this. Fast, plentiful bandwidth had something to do with it too. :-)
* * *
I am back from Sacramento. One week here, then off to Columbus to teach my SOA workshop. While in Sacramento I had the opportunity to quickly review my material with two senior architects who cover the state of California. They very much liked what I had. They very quickly asked if I could come back to Sacramento and present the material to a gathering of state agency personnel. Apparently the SOA charts I put together tell the story better than they'd seen anywhere else.
It was nice to get further validation from two people who have enough background to meaningfully compare my material to other material available.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
How's the weather?
I've been ignoring you - but not deliberately pal!
Yes we have those dressing up affaires in the UK too, I've never personally been a major fan of that stuff. It's just not my cup of tea. I like to discover new things rather than cherish the old, that has been a problem for me all of my life I think, and a blessing in other ways.
Yes Google are liberals without a doubt, I suspect they don't like to back anything other than a minority cause. Pinkos? :)
E kind of moved in for a while then moved out, then came back, she flits in and out like a teenager. There have been some developments ... a) her mother and her beau have "split up" (why am I not surprised?) and b) the mother has come to realise that she now wants her children back, and is moving back into the area that I live in.
You know a friend in Hursley warned me about a month ago ... "I hope your ex doesn't split up with this fella or she might decide to go looking for her kids".
K is adamant that under no circumstances is she going to live with her mother, and I hope K gets her wish. E on the other hand is delighted. I'm just going to carry on as if all is the same and see what happens. So for me and K it is business as usual, except on Monday nights when E is over and we all go out for a curry - you know, curry, that hot stuff that you used to be able to scoff down !
Other than that I managed to qualify for the final of the freestyle chess tournament ( see if you can spot my surname) so now I am officially in the top 5 on the "most advanced chess players in the world" list :) To give you an indication of the standard of play in this tournament, the #19 placed player Baadur Jobava is one of the strongest chess Grandmasters in the world and was using his computer to assist him in his games (it's allowed). It's being hailed as the strongest chess tournament ever held, way beyond the level of Fischer, Kasparov or Deep Blue 2, so I'm extremely glad I got lucky. Now to win the final :)
Yes we have those dressing up affaires in the UK too, I've never personally been a major fan of that stuff. It's just not my cup of tea. I like to discover new things rather than cherish the old, that has been a problem for me all of my life I think, and a blessing in other ways.
Yes Google are liberals without a doubt, I suspect they don't like to back anything other than a minority cause. Pinkos? :)
E kind of moved in for a while then moved out, then came back, she flits in and out like a teenager. There have been some developments ... a) her mother and her beau have "split up" (why am I not surprised?) and b) the mother has come to realise that she now wants her children back, and is moving back into the area that I live in.
You know a friend in Hursley warned me about a month ago ... "I hope your ex doesn't split up with this fella or she might decide to go looking for her kids".
K is adamant that under no circumstances is she going to live with her mother, and I hope K gets her wish. E on the other hand is delighted. I'm just going to carry on as if all is the same and see what happens. So for me and K it is business as usual, except on Monday nights when E is over and we all go out for a curry - you know, curry, that hot stuff that you used to be able to scoff down !
Other than that I managed to qualify for the final of the freestyle chess tournament ( see if you can spot my surname) so now I am officially in the top 5 on the "most advanced chess players in the world" list :) To give you an indication of the standard of play in this tournament, the #19 placed player Baadur Jobava is one of the strongest chess Grandmasters in the world and was using his computer to assist him in his games (it's allowed). It's being hailed as the strongest chess tournament ever held, way beyond the level of Fischer, Kasparov or Deep Blue 2, so I'm extremely glad I got lucky. Now to win the final :)
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