Saturday, March 03, 2007


Do you really have a telescope like that? That's cool ... I didn't know you were into it sufficiently to invest in something like that. My brother has a telescope as well ... he owns 400 acres on a mountain in east Tennessee, and he built an observatory with a thick concrete slab (to minimize vibrations), a retracting roof, and one of those motorized things that turns the telescope in synch with the earth's rotation. He's way into it.

Was that picture of the moon one you took through your telescope? Have you taken pictures with your scope?

Ah Kitt Peak, I would like to visit this observatory.

Well ... it seems you know someone who lives mighty darn close to there. And he has a guest room. Better still, the bed in that guest room has no footboard, so tall lanky gits from England can sleep with their feet hanging over the edge. :-)

Question: why do you do it? Ride off for the weekend I mean. Is it a solitary passtime or do you socialize?

It's a solitary thing. I like being alone ... but I have to be doing something. I can't just be alone sitting in a chair.There is something about being out on the open road by myself that I truly love. Doing it on a motorcycle is a new experience for me; in the past its been in cars. I don't mind riding with other bikers, but I find it makes me anxious ... worrying about going too fast or too slow.

I can picture the look on the poor desk receptionist at a Holiday Inn when I wheel my 830 pound Goldwing in the front door. :-) Nah, it'd stay out in the parking lot, probably with a cover on it. There's a ton of Wingers out there doing precisely that, and I don't hear of too many bikes being stolen.

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