Friday, March 09, 2007


did you experience some relief (if that's the right word) when you came to know for certain what type of cancer you had, it's extent, and your chances?

Yes that's true. All malignant cancer is bad of course, and the first diagnosis given for mine was incorrect, "desmoplastic small round cell tumour" of which there is little hope of recovery, the docs basically said "just go home and wait to die". I was unhappy with this but resigned myself to my fate, fortunately my sister wouldn't accept this at face value and wanted a second opinion from The Royal Marsden Hospital in London. And very fortunate for me she did, as my cancer turned out to be seminoma tesicular - highly treatable. Thanks sis :) But it's true, "knowing" was better than "not knowing" - even with the initial poor diagnosis. I wonder why?


Question: why do we humans get anxious about the unknown? Why do we get anxious at all? Is it because this nervous feeling leads to us to a preference to avoid the unknown - and thus have a statiscally greater chance of surviving to breed? Eg. that unkown pond over there might have a crocodile in it, let's not go swimming there. And here we are, the result of millenia of such breeding?

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