Monday, April 24, 2006

Sum over histories

In some sense we are like this, although when Richard Feynman came up with the notion of "sum over histories" he was not talking about our personalities.

So yes I do believe that in a very "real" sense we are a product of a) our genetic code and b) our experiences. If we get blown as saplings then we grow up with a resistance to being blown as trees, perhaps this is where your reluctance to trust is rooted? (No pun intended!)


Scott McNealy, 51, has just stepped down as CEO of Sun Microsystems, a company he co-founded in 1982. I feel like I'm getting old. He was one of the "greats" along with Jobs, Wozniack, Gates, Allen, Kahn, Kapor crew, pioneers of the toy computer industry.

I guess for Scott it is "Sun over. History". Sorry I couldn't resist it!

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