I wonder ... did McNealy "retire," or was he "pushed out?" Sun is not doing well ... they haven't been for quite some years now. There's no real prospect of them recovering. Linux is eating their lunch at the operating system level; Microsoft is chewing up the low end; and IBM is killing them at the power end. They can't possibly earn enough from licensing Java to make up the difference.
The salad days are over, my friend ... there's a new revolution out there somewhere, and a whole new crop of people will become the new Gates, Allen, et al. In what field will that be? Best guess, I suppose, is genetics or possibly micro-machines.
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I see that Blogger has added an "Upload picture" options ... interesting. I wonder where they store the picture? Let's try this:

Isn't that a fascinating picture? I got that off the web somewhere. The captain of that ship must have known the storm wasn't as ominous as it appeared. I guess.
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